
In the Entertainment Industry, INC offers vital coverage for professionals, safeguarding against potential liabilities, property damage, and injuries during productions. This coverage provides peace of mind, ensuring financial security and compliance with legal obligations for individuals and businesses in the entertainment sector.

Health Coverage/Employee Benefits

Life Insurance

General Liability

Other Coverages

Customized insurance for entertainment and events businesses

INC Insurance specializes in providing tailored coverage for events and entertainment industry professionals. Whether you’re an independent contractor or managing a business with partners and staff, we streamline the process of securing insurance online at a competitive rate. Our aim is to support you in focusing on your events and entertainment work without the added stress of insurance concerns.

We specialize in business insurance for event services

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customized quote for your business

Why do event planners need business insurance?

In the dynamic realm of the entertainment industry, unexpected challenges can arise during events. The intricate coordination of various elements enhances the likelihood of unforeseen incidents. Whether it’s a guest tripping over event equipment cords or concerns about catering-related issues, the potential for mishaps is ever-present.

Securing the appropriate insurance for your entertainment business is crucial. It ensures that you won’t be solely responsible for covering expenses after an accident or defending your business in case of complaints. This financial protection allows you to navigate potential setbacks without bearing the entire burden on your own.

Liability insurance for entertainment businesses

Entertainment liability insurance can help cover costs if a guest trips over the gift table and breaks a wrist of if you’re accused of damaging speakers at a club.

We combine two types of liability insurance in our business insurance packages:

General liability is the insurance that most business owners buy first to cover some of the most common accidents when you work with clients — property damage and injuries to non-employees.

For example, you’ll have financial help if you’re a wedding planner and a venue owner accuses you of damaging their property.

Professional liability provides financial protection if you accidentally double-book a venue and your clients have to pay for a new location. No matter if it was your fault or not, you could have to pay to defend your business if they take legal action. Professional liability coverage will cover legal expenses or to amend the mistake.

Other important business insurance coverage for Events and Entertainment

Liability insurance is a must-have for entertainment and events businesses buy may want to add other types of coverage to your business insurance package.

We typically recommend:

Health insurance

In the world of entertainment, having health insurance is like having a backstage pass to peace of mind. When the spotlight fades and the curtain falls, professionals in this industry need a safety net to catch them when employer-sponsored benefits are nowhere in sight. Without the usual perks of a 9-to-5 gig, they face the encore of high healthcare costs. Health insurance becomes their encore, ensuring they can hit all the right notes with necessary medical care, preventive services, and handling those unexpected health plot twists. It’s not just about keeping the artists and creators in top form; it’s also about ensuring the show goes on for their independent businesses.

General Liability

In the dazzling world of Entertainment, having general liability insurance is an absolute must. It acts as a safety net, shielding individuals from possible legal and financial pitfalls. Imagine the spotlight turning into a legal battle—without proper coverage, independent workers might find themselves personally responsible for accidents, property mishaps, or legal disputes related to their craft. General liability insurance steps in as the superhero, covering legal defense expenses and potential settlements. This superheroic coverage allows independent workers to run their showbiz endeavors with confidence, ensuring a secure financial backdrop. It’s not just insurance; it’s the unsung hero of the Entertainment Industry, preserving assets and securing the spotlight for the real stars.

Workers’ Compensation

Workers’ compensation is required in most states. If you have employees, it covers some medical bills if they get hurt or sick on the job and it can pay for some lost wages.

Many business owners without employees also buy this coverage so they are protected from workplace accidents. If you break your leg at an event while working, your medical bills might not be covered by your personal health insurance and you won’t have any wage reimbursement.